It is important to know that dieting does not mean going hungry but an adequately developed formula, quantity, quality, type and proportion between the consumed foods. If the sought effect is the reduction of body weight, it is obvious that the amount of consumed calories should be limited to the average daily intake. With some health problems, it is obligatory that certain products should be avoided. The quality of the food also plays a vital role. To ensure the high quality of its food products, Gala Invest Holding has introduced an electronic-fiscal system for tracking the route of the products from the farms to the store counter where you shop. One's diet is the key to good health. Numerous researches have demonstrated the connection between diet and the risk of illness. The consumption of foods rich in animal fats, white flour, sugar, artificial preservatives and pesticides forms the basis for an increased risk of a number of chronic conditions some of which are among the main causes for higher mortality rates. To minimise this risk, Gala Invest Holding relies on feeding the raised birds naturally, by using only controlled feeds which the company itself produces in a licensed grain fodder factory. The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), which studies the effects of food and lifestyle on cancer, has discovered that a healthy way of life and a high quality diet decrease the chance for developing a cancer condition by 30%-40%. On the grounds of the analysis of 4,500 scientific researches on diets and dieting, the AICR gives the following recommendations:
| Easter chicken with wine, Chinese style glazed chicken wings, rustic chicken in a hotchpotch, stuffed chicken with almonds, etc.
Chicken meat is unique with its high levels of protein and low level of fat.